My Time

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Cutie PaTootie Designs
Natalia, Texas, United States
Hi I am a sahm and have a 8 yr old who is in 2nd grade. I am happily married for 6 yrs.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2012
here's new samples from DitZyMomof3 new kit

Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Here's an awesome tag for Ronney from her new Arthur Crowe Kit Rock Doll:

Hey ladies I hope all is well I have been recovering from my hernia surgery that i had last month but I am finally moving around. Its very gloomy here today I think it might rain today the way is looking outside. Can't wait for the cold weather to come so tired of the heat. Its so funny with me I run my a/c during the winter last year and this year it has been really cold this year had to turn on my heater a couple of times this year. I am so backwards and so is my body. I hope everyone is going to have a great halloween this year I am not sure what costume to get for adrien this year. He is getting big and loosing his teeth left to right lol. So what is everyone going to dress for this halloween?  Here's some tags I have made for my friends I hope you enjoy them and purchase their kits from them to as well.

Here's some from DitzyMomof3:

And here some from Kim's Corner:

Thanks and don't forget to answer the question:
What are u going to be for halloween?

I will pick the lucky winner to get a tag from me 
Have a blessed day

Saturday, September 22, 2012
hey everyone hope everyone is doing great today I am just sitting here crocheting my heart out and made some tags from Kim's Corner enjoy and stop by her page to check out offers

you can find her blog here

Friday, September 14, 2012

postheadericon Rainy Day

Hello everyone hope everyone is having a great day. I am having a bad day :( Its raining here been raining all night and day and when that happens my fibro acts up everything is very sensitive and hurts. But we so need the rain it hasn't rained her for 3 mos. I am fustrated that my daughter in law we offered to help her and her hubby to come live with us. She has our first grandbaby girl name Rhylynn she is so precious I will post a pic at the end of my vent. But they are going to live with his mom who lives in a one bedroom apartment which will be so packed but some reason she got laid off of work for some reason she can't keep a job for long. She has no income and she wants to use my daughter and son in law for there money to pay her bills and my daughter wants to go back to work but I am not sure she's not ready to go back to work.  I have a feeling they are not happy with us for some reason. We are very supportive of her and the baby to come live with us we got a lot of room for them to come live with us. But she wants to do everything with his family and not our side of the family. I don't know what's wrong with us I feel that she is ashamed of us for some reason we didn't do anything but support her and love her. Well thank you for listening to my vent and understanding. I will be posting some tags soon. As I promised here's a picture of my grandbaby and her name is Rhylnn Aida Lopez

Friday, August 24, 2012

postheadericon Tags I have made for my friend

Here's some tags I have made for my best friend DitzyMomof3 and her tagger kits that I made are found here 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

postheadericon Welcome

Hello and welcome to my page I am making this page where I can vent, Making my friends tags and also supporting my friends tagger kits so i will make a tag using there kits and advertise them here and will have a link to there page where u can purchase there kits. I will also make tags to be up for requests every now and then and be patient with me for pickups I will give u a week to pick them up and if u continuously don't pick them up then you will be on my no no list I work very hard making them and my time to I will be doing this while my kiddo is at school.
I will also be posting patterns or projects of crochet that I do on here to so u never know what I will post thank you for stopping by and looking forward in our friendship.

Todays Date

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These are avatars either made by me or for me, DO NOT take! TBA

Have A Great Day